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Developer A will experience a merge conflict since he/she is modifying a file that has already changed in the remote repo.
Developer A will experience a merge conflict since he/she is modifying a file that has already changed in the remote repo.
=== Working with feature branches ===
The second workflow takes advantage of the branching system in git. To protect your Master branch from code which may break your build or introduce bugs we can create what is called a "feature branch." These branches contain your development code and isolates it from the main code until you are ready to merge them together.
The workflow is as follows:
:  1. Do a "git fetch" to obtain the latest version of your source branch
:  2. Checkout a new branch
:  3. Perform your work on your new branch (be sure to make regular commits to avoid losing any of your work.)
:  4. Merge the two branches
Here is the general workflow in git commands:
<source lang="bash">
# Obtain the latest code
git fetch
# Checkout your "source" branch (the branch you want to base your code off of)
git checkout origin/master
# Create a new branch from your source branch
git checkout -b <new branch name>
# Make your code changes and commit them regularly
git add <file1> <file2> ...
git commit -m "<commit message>"
# Push your changes
git push
== Basic Commands ==
== Basic Commands ==

Revision as of 20:28, 20 September 2016

Git uses the concept of branches where multiple people could work on different parts of a project at the same time. Eventually they could merge all their work together to create a complete project. They could also work on it some more should their be a need for bug fixes, updates, etc. Developers can pick and choose what features they want to add or remove and can see a log of the work done and changes made by their peers. In this tutorial, I will be focusing on the command line for Git and not the GUI. I will also be focusing on Git Lab because that is our class’s main focus. This tutorial is not comprehensive but it will give a very basic overview of Git commands. There are many different kinds of commands, but only a few need to be used.

Anything within “< >” is an option.

Getting Started

Download the Git program here. https://git-scm.com/downloads

You will now be able use it via command line, or with the GUI. It is suggested that you use the command line, as there are more features. To use the Windows command line, go to the start menu -> type “cmd” -> enter. It is highly suggested that you use ConEmu in place of the default Windows command prompt. There are more options for Git and is easier to work with. Download it here: http://www.fosshub.com/ConEmu.html.

If Git does not work on ConEmu, then make sure the options matches the one in the picture. Access options by “windows key + alt + p”. Go to Startup -> tasks and then press the ‘+’ button. Now name it “Git Bash” and then type in the bottom box and make sure it looks like the picture shown below:

"C:\Program Files\Git\bin\sh.exe" --login –I
GitTutorial ConEmu Setup.JPG

Do not touch the parameter box. Press Save. You will now be able to access Git in a new cmd window. Press the drop down menu button near the green ‘+’ button. Press the {Git Bash} option. You are now ready to use Git. Your terminal should look something like this:

GitTutorial ConEmu.JPG

Setting up SSH key

Go to www.gitlab.com -> Profile settings -> Add SSH Key -> Now open up terminal and type in:

Command Description

ssh-keygen -t rsa -C "youremail@email.com"

cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Generates the key

Shows your key

After concatenating the key, copy and paste the SSH key into the “Key” box. If you are on windows and can’t copy paste type in: clip < ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub

Your SSH Key is now set up.

Setting a new Git Repository

If you are working on an existing remote repository, then this part is unnecessary. However, if you are working on something, and there is no Git repository, then you must set up a new project on the Git website.

Setting up a new project is simple on Git Lab. Simply go to www.gitlab.com and then click on the green button that says “Add Project”. Type in your project name in the “Project path” box. Add any descriptions about your project. Although it is optional, it is highly suggested you briefly describe your project. Press Create Project once done.

Your project path will now look something like this “https://gitlab.com/username/projectname”. From here, anyone can grab your project via SSH or HTTPS.

SSH path example: git@gitlab.com:username/projectname.git

HTTPS path example: https://gitlab.com/username/projectname.git

See the example on how to upload your local repository to the server.

Setting it up on Eclipse

Currently, many people, myself included, are having issues with SSH in Eclipse, but I will go ahead and give instructions on how to set it up. Get your .ssh directory by typing in ConEmu "cd ~/.ssh" -> "pwd". Take that directory and go into the Eclipse's preferences. Go to General -> Network Connections -> SSH2 -> Input your .ssh directory and then Add private key (id_rsa, id_rsa.pub).

GitTutorial EclipseSSH.JPG

More instructions can be found on using Gitlab with Eclipse here: http://www.socialledge.com/sjsu/index.php?title=Eclipse_%26_Gitlab_Tutorial



The first thing you want to do before you init is to add a project in the Git website see “Setting up a new Git repository” section. If you have a folder with code that is not on Git, and you wish to put it on the Git server, then you need to initialize Git into your folder. This creates a .git folder, and the current directory is now a Git repository. The .git folder contains Git information such as branches. Initializing your folder is local to your computer and is not yet uploaded onto the server.

Command Description

git init

git init <directory>

Initialize current directory

Initialize selected directory


If you see a repository that you want to work on, you can “clone” it into a directory and start working on it. Cloning it will download the entire repository as well as a .git folder. Note that clone is different from “pull”. This will be explained later. Just use this command once at the beginning of the project unless you want multiple folders.

Command Description

git clone <repo>

git clone <repo> <directory>

Downloads entire repository to current directory

Downloads entire repository to selected directory



In Git there is the notion of a "Master" code base which contains the work of all contributing members in a project.

There are two basic workflows that you may follow when using Git for version control.

1. Committing directly to the "Master" branch.
2. Creating branches from the "Master" branch and merging them back in when ready.

This section of the guide will walk you through these two workflow strategies.

Working off the "Master" Branch

Git tut master branch.png

Working directly off the "Master" branch can be advantageous to smaller groups who rarely (if ever) work on the same portions of the code at a time.

The basic workflow for this method is as follows:

1. "Pull" from Master branch to ensure the local copy contains the latest version of code.
2. Make necessary changes to code.
3. Commit your changes.
4. "Push" your changes to the remote repository.

In git commands this would look like:

# Make sure you are on master branch
git checkout master
# Make sure you have the latest code
git pull
# Make your changes to your code
# Add files you may have changed to your commit
git add <file1> <file2> ...
# Commit your changes
git commit -m "<commit message here>"
# Push your changes
git push

As you can see, this workflow is quite simplistic. There are; however, some key disadvantages to this workflow. If group members begin to modify the same files at the same time then they will face merge conflicts when attempting to push their code to the remote repository. Merge conflicts occur when code that is committed conflicts with changes that were made to the target branch while you were making your own changes. For example:

1. Developer A pulls the Master branch
2. Developer B pulls the Master branch
3. Developer B makes changes to file A and pushes the code back into the remote Master branch
4. Developer A makes changes to file A and pushes the code back into the remote Master branch

Developer A will experience a merge conflict since he/she is modifying a file that has already changed in the remote repo.

Working with feature branches

The second workflow takes advantage of the branching system in git. To protect your Master branch from code which may break your build or introduce bugs we can create what is called a "feature branch." These branches contain your development code and isolates it from the main code until you are ready to merge them together.

The workflow is as follows:

1. Do a "git fetch" to obtain the latest version of your source branch
2. Checkout a new branch
3. Perform your work on your new branch (be sure to make regular commits to avoid losing any of your work.)
4. Merge the two branches

Here is the general workflow in git commands:

# Obtain the latest code 
git fetch
# Checkout your "source" branch (the branch you want to base your code off of)
git checkout origin/master
# Create a new branch from your source branch
git checkout -b <new branch name>
# Make your code changes and commit them regularly
git add <file1> <file2> ...
git commit -m "<commit message>"
# Push your changes
git push

Basic Commands

Once you’ve worked on the code and you wish to upload your work to the server, you must first “add” the current snapshot of your work to the index, and then “commit” it. After doing these tasks, “push” your work onto the master. If the master has been updated with someone else’s code, you may pull it to fetch and merge your repository. When you commit you create checkpoints and you move forward. When you push to master, the master will move forward as well.

Uploading commands


When you feel like you’ve made changes that you wish to upload to the master, you must first “add” your code. Adding your code puts the current snapshot of your work into the index. This is a local command and does not add anything to the server yet.

If you created your repository, and it has not yet been uploaded, then use “git remote add”. This will communicate your repository to the git server. This still does not upload your repository.

Command Description

git add <directory/file>

Adds snapshot of current code to index

git remote add origin <git url>

Adds remote to existing repository. Use this if you started a local repository, and have not yet pushed anything to the server. See Example.


After adding your work, you must “commit” it. If you don’t commit and you try to push, you may receive an error saying that you must first commit. Committing your work puts your work’s index into the Head. When you commit, you also set a checkpoint. Each time you commit you move forward and create new checkpoints. When merging with master, the master moves forward to the current checkpoint. Committing is essentially a history log about changes made. When you commit you include a message saying what changes you made so others can see it as well. Other developers can see the changes you made, and you can see the changes they made. After committing, you are ready to push your work onto the master

Command Description

git commit –m “My changes…”

Pushes your work from index to the head. ‘-m’ allows you to write a messages. Make sure the message is meaningful so that others can understand it.


After adding and committing your work, you can now push onto the master. This will make changes in the master and everyone may now pull the updated master to their repositories with the changes you’ve made. Because you’ve committed, people can now view the messages and changes you’ve made to the code.

Command Description

git push origin master

Pushes your remote repository to master

git push origin branchname

Pushes your remote repository to branch

Downloading commands


To update your current repository with a newer one, use the “pull” command. This command updates the current repository with the current version on the Git server. Pull is different from clone in that it fetches and merges the repository to your local repository, that way you can continue working. Cloning does not do this, and you get a completely new repository.

Command Description

git pull origin master

Updates your repository with master.

git pull origin branch

Updates your repository with a branch.


Branching commands


Use branch when you want to deviate from the workflow and start on working something else. For example, after working on master, you want to add a new feature, and someone else wants to work on a new feature. You can both use branch to split apart from the master. Eventually, you will merge in with the master once you've added your features. This command allows you to see other branches as well as create and delete branches.

Command Description

git branch

Lists every branch in the project.

git branch branchname

Creates a branch with branch name

git branch -d branchname

Deletes the branch.


If you want to change to another branch, use the checkout command. You can change to any branch you wish.

Command Description

git checkout branchname

Move to specified branch

git checkout -b branchname

Create a specific branch, and then move to it. Just like, "git branch branchname -> git checkout branch name" but quicker.

git checkout <commit id>

Move to commit id. You will get a warning saying you are moving to a detached HEAD state. You will be able to make new commits here,

but you cannot straight up push to any branch. You have to first make a new branch for this detached HEAD.


This command merges other branches together. When merging with master, the master goes to where the branch is.

Command Description

git merge branchname

Merge a different branch to your current working branch

Useful Commands

Command Description

git log

Lists out a history log of every commit made to the project.

git log --oneline

Lists out the history log, but condenses it with just the message and the commit ID.


Starting a new repository


Add project

Create Project

git init
git add .
git commit –m “First Commit”
git remote add origin git@gitlab.com:username/projectname.git
git remote –v
git push origin master

People will now be able to make changes to your code.


You see a code you want to work with, so you will clone it into your current directory.

git clone git@gitlab.com:username/projectname.git


After working for some time on a code, you’ve made some changes. Now, you want to push it to master

git add .
git commit –m “Commit comment.”
git push origin master

If you wish to push to a different branch

git push origin branchname


Teammates made some changes to the code.

Time to update your repository.

git pull origin master

Likewise, you can pull from a branch

git pull origin branchname


You want to add a new feature to the project, so you create a new branch

git checkout -b branchname

After making changes and committing and pulling, you may want to merge your branch with master

git checkout master
git merge branchname

Master has now moved forward, and merged with your branch

You want to see all the branches available.

git branch